BioStar 2 TA Time Attendance License Module

by suprema

KES 55,000 Excl. Tax
  • Product Name: BioStar 2 TA (Time Attendance) License Module
  • Compatibility: Compatible with Suprema's BioStar 2 Access Control Platform
  • License Type: Time Attendance License
  • Features:
    • Time and Attendance Management: Allows for tracking and recording employee attendance data, including clock-in and clock-out times.
    • Shift Management: Supports setting up and managing different work shifts and schedules for employees.
    • Overtime Management: Allows for tracking and managing employee overtime hours.
    • Leave Management: Supports tracking and managing employee leaves, such as vacation days, sick days, etc.


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BioStar 2 TA Time Attendance License Module 

Is a time and attendance module that serves as an add on to the BioStar 2 platform. The BioStar 2 TA module provides comprehensive time and attendance functionalities to BioStar 2. Combined with user-convenient features such as multiple shift types and overtime rule, BioStar 2 TA simplifies complicated time and attendance management by offering flexibility for diverse applications.

BioStar 2 TA Time Attendance License Module specifications

  • Product Name: BioStar 2 TA (Time Attendance) License Module
  • Compatibility: Compatible with Suprema's BioStar 2 Access Control Platform
  • License Type: Time Attendance License
  • Features:
    • Time and Attendance Management: Allows for tracking and recording employee attendance data, including clock-in and clock-out times.
    • Shift Management: Supports setting up and managing different work shifts and schedules for employees.
    • Overtime Management: Allows for tracking and managing employee overtime hours.
    • Leave Management: Supports tracking and managing employee leaves, such as vacation days, sick days, etc.
    • Customizable Attendance Rules: Provides options to set up custom attendance rules based on company policies and requirements.
    • Reporting and Analytics: Generates various attendance reports and analytics for better workforce management.
    • Integration: Can be integrated with other systems and software for seamless data sharing and management.